Teenage pregnancy articles pdf file

This paper uses data collected from personal interviews and focus group discussions in ghana to evaluate major explanatory factors. In common with other countries, teenage pregnancy is attracting policy attention in sri lanka because of the risks it poses to maternal and infant health and social and economic wellbeing. Assistant secretary for planning and evaluation, room 415f u. Teenage pregnancy is a serious public health and social problem, with 95% occurring in developing countries. School dropout has been linked to early pregnancy and marriage but less is known about the effect of.

A teenage pregnancy can change the course of a young moms life. Statistics and programs congressional research service summary in 2014, u. Get a printable copy pdf file of the complete article 325k, or click on a page image below to browse page by page. The effects of teenage pregnancy on the educational. This study focused on the prevalence of this act among. Explanations for this phenomenon have ranged from poor sex education to promiscuity. According to the national campaign to prevent teen and unplanned pregnancy, each year more than 750,000 teenage girls become pregnant.

Teenage pregnancy, a case of underaged girl usually within ages of thirteen to nineteen years becoming pregnant, is a serious cankerworm that has eaten deep to the fabric of our societies in this contemporary period. Teenage pregnancy is pregnancy in human females under the age of 20 at the time that the pregnancy ends. The case of tunduru district council, in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of masters degree in health system management mhsm of mzumbe university. Teenage pregnancy in subsaharan africa has important social and economic outcomes, the most highly publicized of which stem from lost educational opportunities when pregnancy forces young women to leave. What are some of the beliefs, attitudes and practices about teenage sex, contraceptives, pregnancy and parenthood among male and female teenagers and community members 3. Teenage pregnancy in developing countries volume 10 issue s5 lars engstrom skip to main content we use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. The african ejournals project has digitized full text of.

Although births among adolescents account for 11% of all births worldwide, they account for 23% of the overall burden of disease in terms of disabilityadjusted life years due to pregnancy and childbirth among women of all ages. It is especially critical that policymakers, advocates, and interested parties from local school superintendents to state officials to business leaders and philanthropists highlight the connection between education and teen. Associated data supplementary materials articles from. The findings for this study revealed the reasons why these teenagers get pregnant as follows. Over the study period 20062016, the rate of adolescent pregnancy was 173 95% confi. With respect to factors that lead to teenage pregnancy, it was. This study suggests that despite several campaigns against teenage pregnancy in the developing countries, the incidence of teenage pregnancy has not decreased. Teenage pregnancy is one of the social ills that affect society. Factors contributing to teenage pregnancy in south africa. Adolescent girls who give birth each year have a much higher risk of dying from maternal causes compared to women in their 20s and. One in five teen moms will have a second child during her teen years. Introduction dolescent pregnancy occurs in all societies but the level of teenage pregnancy. The level of adolescent pregnancy varies by a factor of almost 10 across the developed countries, from a very low rate in the netherlands 12 pregnancies per 1,000 adolescents per year to an extremely high rate in the russian federation more than 100 per 1,000. The declines in recent years in teen pregnancy rates and birthrates are impressive.

Teen pregnancy current health news latest consumer. Adolescent pregnancy in early america while many americans have become increasingly concerned with the problem of teenage pregnancy over the past three decades, the truth is that teen age pregnancy has been a soci etal concern for more than three centuries luker, 1996. Our focus is to write articles that help you through your teen pregnancy and the choices that come afterwards. According to the national conference of state legislatures, teen pregnancy, abortion and birth rates in the united states for teens age 15 to 19 remain among the highest in the industrialized world. Introduction while slightly decreasing in rates in recent years, adolescent pregnancy continues to be prevalent in the united states, with nearly one million teenage. Trends and factors associated with pregnancies among adolescent. Mar 12, 2018 births in the united states, 2017 cdc pdf trends in repeat births and use of postpartum contraception among teens united states, 20042015 journal of adolescent health supplement. The existence of teenage pregnancy do not auger well for the development of the girlchild. Additionally, when pregnancy occurs in adolescence, it is frequently related to academic failure, 7 unemployment 8 and socioeconomic deprivation. Before launching into the topic of study, however, a few caveats are in order. Also, while birth data are based on a near 100% accounting of every birth in the country, pregnancy data incorporate an estimate of miscarriages and abortion numbers that draw on various reporting systems and surveys. Fully 30 percent of teen girls cite pregnancy or parenthood as a key reason for dropping out of high school. Introduction while slightly decreasing in rates in recent years, adolescent pregnancy continues to be. Pdf file of the complete article 482k, or click on a page image below to browse page by page.

This finding is similar to others in nigeria and other africa countries and beyond 3538. The aim of the study was to investigate the behavioural, familial and social factors associated with teenage pregnancy among girls aged 19 years in lira district, uganda. Pregnancy data include all pregnancies births, abortions and miscarriages, while birth data reflect only live births. Teenage pregnancy essay sample fresh essays samples. Although the progeny of teenage mothers show a higher incidence of prematurity and diminished birth size, in the extent of fetal loss, low apgar and bayley scores, and in the frequency of medical abnormalities, they are not at a disadvantage compared with infants of thirddecade mothers of comparable size. Teenage pregnancy among todays filipino youth inquirer. In recent decades adolescent pregnancy has become an important health issue in a great number of countries, both developed and developing. The study adopted the simple percentage survey research design involving 40 teenagers. The impact of teenage pregnancy on academic performance of.

Factors associated with teenage pregnancy in south asia core. Preventing adolescent pregnancy pap mimicking the methods used by lederman and mian, 2003, followed by a followup study that tracked the rates of pregnancy among participants in the pap program. Although the problem of teenage pregnancy and motherhood is crossnational, very few comparative and crossnational analyses exist. In recent years, a nationwide concern over the epidemic of teenage pregnancy has developed.

Teen sexuality and pregnancy early sexual activity 1contraceptive use 2sexually transmitted diseases 3teen childbearing trends 4teen abortion 5homosexuality 6std and pregnancy prevention programs for teens 7 early sexual activity many teenagers are sexually active. Teenage pregnancy is widely associated by poor achievements in education, poor mental and physical health, poverty, social isolation and other related factors. The national youth commission, supported by the department of health and the world health organization, convened the 2014 national summit on teen pregnancy last april 24. A girl can become pregnant from sexual intercourse after she has began to ovulate which can be before her first menstrual period menarche, but usually occurs after the onset of her periods. Major depressive disorder during teenage pregnancy. Statement on teenage pregnancy american academy of. In their hand lies the future generation to follow.

Pdf teen pregnancy is a social problem not resolved in developing and some. In pre vious centuries, adolescent pregnancy and the problems. In wellnourished females, the first period usually takes place around the age of 12 or. In 2017, a total of 194,377 babies were born to women aged 1519 years, for a birth rate of 18. A quantitative exploration of the sociocultural context of. Teenage pregnancy in developing countries journal of. What are the factors contributing to teen pregnancy in the target communities. It puts her in a place where shes responsible not only for herself, but also for another human being. Teenage pregnancy, also known as adolescent pregnancy, is pregnancy in a female under the age of 20. Questionnaire, indepth interview, focus group discussions and observation were used to collect data for the study. This study attempted to 1 assess the factors contributing to teenage pregnancy in the lower manya krobo municipality. Teenage pregnancy, counseling, contraception, sexual health. Characteristics of the mother and child in teenage pregnancy.

Department of health and human services 200 independence avenue, sw washington, d. Overall, this paper shows that research articles on teen pregnancy such as lederman and mian, 2003, could benefit from a closer look at. Also, there is a growing recognition regarding social economic disadvantages and how they cause teenage pregnancy. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the. The term in every day speech usually refers to women who have not reached legal adulthood to become pregnant. This presupposes that tackling teenage pregnancy would have a trickling down effects on poverty and viceversa. Few teenagers have the experience or resources it takes to start a family. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health asrh, or the lack thereof, is fast becoming the defining issue of this generation. Social media and teenage pregnancy among students in. In wellnourished girls, menarche usually takes place around the age of 12 or.

Primary data from a casecontrol study of teenage girls aged 19 years in lira district, uganda was analysed. Factors influencing teenage pregnancy in the lower manya. Three in 10 girls will be pregnant at least once before their 20th birthday. This study aimed to increase understanding of the context of teenage pregnancy, by 1 describing the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of pregnant teenagers and their partners. Implementing communitywide teen pregnancy prevention initiatives external. The rate of pregnancy among american teenagers dropped steadily in recent years, but it is higher than almost all other.

Pregnancy can occur with sexual intercourse after the start of ovulation, which can be before the first menstrual period menarche but usually occurs after the onset of periods. Stillbirth 30% higher rate for children born to women under 20. The researcher questions were divided into two sections, section a contains the respondents personal. Teenage pregnancy in south africa is growing rapidly among schoolgoing pupils and it leads to school dropout as the teenage mothers have to leave school to care for their babies. A total sample size of fiftyfive 55 respondents was used for the study. Causes ofteenagepregnancy lack of information on safe sex and no sex ed lack of parental guidance pressure from their peers that force them to have sex before they are. How progress on prevention of teenage pregnancy contributes to public health and nhs outcomes 11 teenage pregnancy prevention framework under18 conception rate reduction in first and subsequent pregnancies contributes to improving outcomes. The conclusion includes implications for educa tors, researchers, and practitioners. A qualitative research method was used in this article and two teachers and 4 pregnant learners were interviewed.

Teenage mothers add to the number of women who are illiterate. A comparative analysis of predictors of teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy, which showed a steady decline from 18% in 1979 to 6% in 1999 was associated with a significantly higher risk of preterm delivery, preeclampsia, low birth weight and. We want to help you explore and expand your options when it comes to your teen pregnancy and offer advice and guidance. The study identified the cause and effect of teenage pregnancy among teenagers in kontagora local government area of niger state. Early school failure predicts teenage pregnancy and marriage plos. Journal of the royal society of medicine, 01 aug 1994, 878.

This paper uses data collected from personal interviews and focus group discussions in ghana to evaluate major explanatory factors cited in the teenage pregnancy literature inthe united states. Jul 30, 2012 the prevalence of teenage pregnancy in the study population was 22. Chapter i introduction background of the study here in the philippines, we believe in the saying of our national hero dr. The application of predictive risk criteria in pregnant adolescents to facilitate the rational. What youth need from families and communities to succeed jan. Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. This summit, which saw the active participation of adolescent youth, delivered a clear message. Modern myths, unsexy realities presents a unique view of its subject by analyzing the extensive myths and fears that surround discussion of teenage sex and pregnancy, including their relationship to popular culture, poverty, adult sexual behaviors, and anxieties toward the increasingly public roles of young women. But as we see from the situation nowadays, what were expecting from the youth is the contrary if the saying. Article 1 of the crc establishes that a child means every human being below the age of eighteen years. Consequences, causes and policy recommendations akina shrestha nepal 48th international course on health development september 15th, 2011 september 7th 2012 kit royal tropical institute development, policy and practice vrije universiteit amsterdam.

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